Comments Posted By Sgt Ryker
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You bet.

It is impossible to have a conversation with a Republican anymore. They yell over you, follow no logic, and feel if they scream talking points long enough you will eventually believe them.

Congressional Republicans called Jack Murtha a Dottle head and a traitor.

Listen to how that sounds. Few of his critics served.


Yet a US Marine, who served 30 years and saw actual combat gets called coward by bloggers...I mean there is nothing I can say or do that will ever explain why you look like assholes when you do that. You cannot call a man like that a traitor because he disagrees with the President. As soon as you start saying that, you lose all credibility, and you have no purchase in making an argument.

You laugh when Ann Coulter calls 9/11 widows 'whores' and then don't understand why literally millions of Republicans held their nose and voted and millions more stayed home and millions more defected. It is this very arrogant smear and lie and win at all costs that has turned off people from the Republican Party.

It's not just the Democrats that are crying out at the accusation of being traitors. It is the majority opinion of the American public that has had it with your deeply hurtful personal insults that have lowered the discourse in this country. You are literally shooting yourself in the foot.

Remember that just because you like Bush and believe Iraq was a good idea, that doesn't mean you are right or that you have a monopoly on the truth. History will bear this out to be a tragic time in US history- probably the Dark Ages of the country. And you are on the wrong side of this battle. I see your snarky ripostes and your 'they're voting with the jihadist' comments and wonder why you don't see ahead of time how that divides us, and hurts us, and serves no purpose.

More amazing to me, is how you don't see how calling someone a traitor is a vacuous point of view supported with no logic or facts. That's what you do when you call us jihadists. That is the lot you cast. And believe me, you are going to pay the price for it. Come this November, and many Novembers to come.

Comment Posted By Sgt Ryker On 16.05.2008 @ 00:26

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